Thursday 26 March 2009

Birthday Celebration

On one occasion at least, Gordon planned a special birthday celebration for Lois. This one occurred after Gordon had retired from teaching. They had travelled to Arizona to vist their friends Clare and Gwen Odbert who spent several months each year in the south. Gordon organized the party on his own, something which he would find difficult and something with which he had little experience. A big group of their friends: the Douglases, the two Somervilles, the Aitchesons, the Bill Douglases, and the Betteridges were all invited. One of the small gifts given to Lois was this small candy dish from Chips and Charlie Betteridge. The Bettridges had a cottage at the Bend next to the cottage which Gordon and Lois rented for several years. On one of their trips out from the Bend Gordon and Lois had purchased a new set of dishes which carried a thistle pattern. The Bettridges had either been part of the purchase or had been shown the purchase. In any case, Chips remembered the pattern and gave this dish to Lois as a birthday gift.

Friday 6 March 2009

Lois' 30th Birthday

March is Lois' birthday month. Here are two of the birthday cards which she received for her thirtieth birthday in 1944. The first is from her mother-in-law Beanie. Inside the card there is a letter in which Beanie relates the story of her trip to Windsor to attend the funeral of her older brother Alex, a rather handsome man who in his younger days had a head of dark curly hair. Alex was a baker. He and his wife Alice moved to Windsor in the era when Windsor was a booming city with its car plants, its industry and its proximity to Detroit. Beanie relates that she travelled with her sister Alice and her brother-in-law Charlie who did the driving (I don't believe that either of the women had a license.) I presume they drove in Charlie's Model A. On the trip home they left Windsor at 12:30 a.m. and did not arrive back in Stratford until 6 a.m., having travelled all night. No wonder Beanie complained of being tired.

The second card is from Lois's Aunt Ada, her father's sister. Here is what it looked like.