Sunday 29 April 2007

The first date

It was a Saturday night in the late summer of 1932. Lois and Gordon were both 18. As was typical in that era, when the weather was clear there would be a Saturday evening ballgame followed by an outdoor dance. They were major social events for the community, and for the young people in particular....

On this evening, Gordon played ball for Number 7. Lois had come to watch the game with her father, Bob Hearn. After the game, as Bob and Lois walked toward the car, Bob stopped to chat and Lois ran into Gordon.

"Lois, save me the second dance" Gordon said. "If you want to dance with me, you'll have to come down to dad's kitchen" she replied. "Why, aren't you going?" he asked. "No." "Will you go with me?"

Lois agreed to go to the dance that evening, and Gordon came to pick her up in the family car. He was wearing plus fours (trousers that came down just below the knee and were worn with knee socks) and a rust coloured sweater. Lois thought he looked wonderful.

When Lois and Gordon arrived at the dance, one of Gordon's cousins, Merv, called out to him. "Does your mother know you're out, Gordon?" Gordon was angry and humiliated. He spoke under his breath. "The ignorant bugger."

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