Saturday 14 April 2018

David McLean the final letter home

I have discovered that David's family letters are available through the Letters & Images Project located at Vancouver Island University's history department ( Because we know what is coming there is an increased poignancy to Dave's last letter to Lettie:
April 5th
Dear Lettie
I received your letter dated March 10th tonight. Glad to hear that you were well. I wrote you a few days ago saying I had received the box which you sent away March 8th but I have not received the one you sent March 1st yet. Alex said he was sending a box so I will have it some of these days. I had a letter from Alf Gillam to night so must answer it to night. I was glad to hear that you have every(thing) paid up so you can put what you have over in the bank to see when I came back. We have been having some cold wet and snowy weather but today has been fine and sunny so it looks as if the weather has turned fine. We are out of the trenches at present so thought I would write you a few line before going back again. I did not know until today when Easter Sunday was for I did not think it was so near and this is Good Friday but I don't think I will have any eggs this Easter but hope to make up for it next one. I bought a quart of milk the other night. I drank half of it and I boiled the other half and bought three eggs which I paid six cents each for and boiled them in the milk so made a fine custard but it was rather dear for all the wealth I have but it was the second time I have tasted milk since coming to France. There is very seldom we are where we can buy milk. About the only things we can buy at times is biscuits and chocolate. I may not write a letter to you for some time but will try and send you a field card when I can. Hope you and George are always keeping well. You were asking me what to send in your boxes, well don't go to any expense getting boxes for me but don't send anything that isn't for eating. But I am getting along all right so don't worry about me. I have a few boils in the back of my neck just now to amuse me. I suppose I need some spring medicine. Well I will close this time. Hoping you are well. With lots of love from

Here is the final letter in the series:
July 6, 1917
Dear Mrs. McLean,
I desire to express to you my sincere sympathy in the recent decease of your husband, No. 799658 Pte. David McLean.
Who in sacrificing his life at the front in action with the enemy, has rendered the highest services of a worthy citizen.
The heavy loss which you and the Nation have sustained would indeed be dressing were it not redeemed by the knowledge that the brave comrade for whom we mourn performed his duties fearlessly and well as become a good soldier, and gave his life for the great cause of Human Liberty and the defense of the Empire.
Again extending to you in your bereavement my condolence and heartfelt sympathy.
I am
Yours faithfully,
E.A. Kemp
Minister of Militia and Defence for Canada

I have attached two photos of David, his friend Thomas Grant,  and some of their mates taken in France shortly before their deaths.  In the top photo David is sitting in the front row left, his friend Tom is standing immediately behind.  In the second photo Dave is sitting far right. Tom Grant is in the row behind immediately to Dave's right. 

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