Saturday 14 April 2018

Vimy Ridge - Thomas Grant (friend of David McLean)

In a recent blog I told the story of David McLean who was married to Bob Hearn's cousin Lettie Vanstone. David was killed at Vimy Ridge as he sheltered in a dugout with his friend Tom Grant. The two men, both native born Scots, lived on the same street in Toronto. They had enlisted together, trained together and remained in the same regiment in Europe. They had made a pact that if one was to die the other would write home breaking the news to the widow. In the shell attack that killed David McLean his friend Tom was not seriously injured.  True to his word Tom wrote home to Lettie Mclean telling her of David’s death.   I wondered in the blog how Tom carried on after the death of his friend and whether he survived the war.  I now have discovered that Tom Grant was killed on 15 August 2012 during an attack on Hill 70. I
have attached a newspaper notice of his death and the reverse side of his Record of Service card. Of course there was no one to write home to his widow.  Thomas Pringle Grant's name is inscribed on the Vimy Memorial.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Just saying hello from Australia. Thomas Pringle Grant is in my family tree. Lovely to see him remembered.